Hakon Clothing
Hakon Clothing: Pronounced Hawkon
The first batch of t-shirts were released in September 2017. The company name was decided on on the 28th February 2017.
This is the story of where the name came from.
Graham had worked as a graphic designer and in the print industry for a number of years. In 2016 he decided that instead of building companies for other people, he should just make his own.
Graham started Hakon Clothing officially in 2017 but had been working on it throughout 2016, teaching himself how to screen print so as to be as self sufficient as possible.
Rewind to February 1984; Graham’s Dad is reading a book about The Battle of Largs (in 1216) and King Hakon (the Norwegian King at the time).
And, Graham’s just been born. So now his Dad’s joking to his Mum that he’s going to go register the baby as Snorri Hakon - she wasn’t too keen on that idea however the name stuck as a sort of (long) nickname.
When Graham was a wee nipper, his Dad always used to call him Wee Snorri Hakon; “Time for bed Wee Snorri Hakon”, for example.
Growing up Graham new the story of where the name came from but had never seen the book. On the 26th February 2017 his Dad died from Pancreatic Cancer. Two days after he died, Graham came across the book his dad been reading when he was born and the name for his new company was on the cover.
You’ll probably notice that some of the clothes have a circular logo with the dates 1951-2017 - These are Graham's Dads dates. Every year he donates a percentage of the sales from each of these items to the Beatson Cancer Charity (where his dad was treated).